Adelaide in-home podiatry services

Comfort Podiatry’s purpose is to provide a clinical standard Adelaide-based podiatry service in the comfort of your home. Servicing private patients, Medicare, DVA, NDIS, and also patients with no specific health plan.

Our service includes all of metropolitan Adelaide and also the ability to visit aged care facilities. All sterile equipment and materials will be provided by Comfort Podiatry.

General foot care

General foot care includes a full treatment of the toenails and skin of the foot and ankle. This included advice and education of the condition itself and ongoing management information provided.

Examples of such conditions treated are:

  • Hard to cut toe nails

  • Calloused skin

  • Corns

  • Warts

  • In-growing toe nail

  • Fungal nail

  • Tinea/athlete’s foot

Foot pain treatment

There are many different types of foot and ankle pain. Heel pain (plantar fasciitis) is one of the most common complaints made to podiatrists Australia-wide. Common foot pains that we treat and provide a management plan for include but are not limited to:

  • Heel pain (Plantar fasciitis)

  • Arch pain

  • Ball of the foot pain

  • Outside or inside ankle pain

  • Achilles pain

  • Tingling/burning foot pain

No one pain experience is exactly the same as the other. That’s why a personalised approach is required for each individual client who is experiencing foot pain. A personalised treatment plan is devised based on a comprehensive assessment.

Biomechanics assessment

A biomechanical assessment involves the podiatrist watching the client walk whilst analysing their movement patterns and how their joints and lower limbs absorb the force applied during walking.

This is an assessment tool we use to make a decision whether or not there is anything we can help with biomechanically i.e.:

  • Strengthening of certain muscle groups

  • Stretching techniques for tight muscles

  • Foot mobilisation techniques for stiff joints

  • Custom orthotic scanning and manufacture

  • Even something as simple as padding to offload a sore spot

Orthotics (custom-made orthotic fitting)

Custom orthotics are custom-made shoe inserts designed specifically for the client. They are used to increase comfort, treat various foot pains and offload any problem areas of the foot someone may have.

The process for having custom orthotics made includes firstly a biomechanical assessment followed by 3D scans taken of your feet which are sent with a custom prescription to the orthotic lab to be manufactured. All of this is done conveniently in the comfort of your own home.

Our custom orthotics are designed and manufactured right here in Adelaide and I will personally oversee the whole process from start to finish to ensure the best possible product design and manufacture.

In-growing toenail treatment/ Nail surgery

An ingrown toenail is present when pain develops in one or both of the edges of any toenail. This is usually accompanied by swelling and sometimes infection. If left untreated an ingrown toenail can become very uncomfortable and really impact the quality of life. Luckily there are treatment options available for this painful condition.

If mild, an in-grown toenail can typically be managed by a podiatrist with a thorough general treatment and clearing of the edge with minimal discomfort. If the progression of the in-grown toenail makes this too uncomfortable a nail avulsion procedure is recommended. This procedure involves numbing the toe first and removing the in-growing edge using specialist podiatrist equipment. This is a safe procedure that podiatrists perform often to resolve an in-growing toenail. Advice on ongoing management and avoiding in-grown toenails in future is always provided as part of a consult.

Diabetes foot health assessment

Diabetes is a condition that effects many aspects of a person’s life which includes the lower limb and feet. The blood vessels and nerves of the foot and ankle can become damaged and this is the main cause of diabetic foot problems.

Diabetic foot health assessments are very important, it is recommended for anybody with diabetes to have at minimum an annual foot health assessment with their podiatrist. Assessment of blood blow and nerve function can be performed by a podiatrist in-home to determine a diabetics risk factor for developing complications.

Paediatric/Children’s assessment

Children are in many ways unique. This includes their feet and their development in general. Through different stages of their young lives it is normal for a child’s feet and lower limbs to present in various different ways. A paediatric podiatry assessment can help both the parent and child to understand what typical development should look like and reassure that everything is developing well.

A podiatrist may assess, treat and provide a thorough management plan for any concerns that may present for children, such as:

  • Foot, ankle and lower leg pain

  • Warts

  • Muscle soreness tightness or weakness

  • Toe walking

  • Postural concerns

  • Knocked knees

  • In-toeing

  • Toenail concerns

  • Footwear advice

  • Sports injury rehabilitation, etc.

Lower limb strength and conditioning

Muscle strength and conditioning for the legs and feet is an important part of any management plan for anybody from children to the elderly. More and more research results are pointing towards keeping our muscles strong and healthy for the best treatment outcomes for any condition that we are treating and to avoid pain and injury in future.

Whether its calf muscle strengthening or stretching, foot muscle strengthening or stretching or stretches provided for the upper leg, a tailored lower limb strength and conditioning program can be provided in-home. We will explain which exercises to be doing and why. All of which will be able to be performed in the comfort of your own home, no gym membership required.